Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year Goals

Happy 2018! My oh my, did this year fly by! This past year has been great and I enjoyed every moment with my friends and family. My best memories of 2017 happened during the summer. Many of you know I am a teacher, so the summer is my vacation. I got to spend so much time with my husband on vacations and we made some wonderful memories. As we head into 2018, I know it will be amazing. I have some pretty lofty goals this year but I am super determined to reach them. I thought it would be fun to share my goals and I would love to hear yours!

Patience. Being a teacher I have a lot of patience. All day I am patient with my 20 sweet students, but once I get home it’s like a switch is flipped. It’s as though all of the patience I had has been sucked out and none is left once 3:30 hits. I often feel guilty when I lose my patience with my husband so this year I am really going to try to work on it. I saw this quote and it really resonated with me. Patience is more than simply learning to wait. It is having learned what is worth your time. My husband and I have the utmost respect for each other, so of course he is worth my time. I’ll let you know how I do with this!

Save money. I am so lucky to have a job that I love. There’s never a day I dread going to work, with the exception of the day after vacation, but who doesn't?! Fresh out of college I did not have much money, so when I got my job it seemed as though I had won the lottery. So naturally I did what every girl does and shop and shop and shop. Three years later I’m still shopping as though I am fresh out of college with no responsibilities. Now that I am 25, I have been thinking a lot more about my future, and saving money is key to a comfortable lifestyle. This year I really want to be more conscious of how I allocate my money.

Healthy lifestyle. In 2017 I did the whole30 twice and tried really hard to workout. I was doing the Beachbody workouts, which were awesome. They really helped me become stronger and it was nice that I could workout at home. However, because I could workout at home I often found other things to do and lots of excuses not to workout. This past week my husband and I joined the gym near us and we LOVE it. Everyone there is so nice and it is so close to our home. Eating out is definitely one of our guilty pleasures. This year we are going to try to minimize how often we go out and cook more meals at home. Obviously I love to cook so I don’t think this will be hard to stick to!

Quality family time. Since moving into our own home, it has been difficult to see our family as frequently as we used to. I have a little sister who I absolutely adore and I want to spend more time with her this year. We were having sister dates once a week for the past couple of months and it was so nice spending some QT with her. My husband and I also have a godson who is around my sister’s age . Our goal is to spend more time with the two of them. They are at such a fun age, 8 and 9, and they are two of the sweetest kids we know - we’re not biased or anything!

Write. This summer I really committed to my blog. I was writing a post 5 days a week and I really enjoyed sharing about beauty and food. Once school started back up, I found it really hard to balance everything so I stopped blogging. I have realized that I really miss writing and sharing with all of you. My goal during the school year is to publish one post a week and then I will pick it back up again in the summer!

Peru. This is my biggest goal for 2018. My husband and I want to visit Peru. We are eager to visit Machu Picchu, which is one of the seven wonders of the world! We are aiming to go in August. With all of the house updates we have made around here, we have put vacations and traveling to the wayside. This year, I really want to focus on us and doing things together to make more wonderful memories!

I hope my goals inspire you to do some soul searching and come up with some goals of your own. I’d love to hear them! Stay beautiful and healthy!

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