Friday, September 22, 2017

Paleo Breakfast Sandwich

I don’t know about you, but I love having a hot breakfast. Typically my breakfasts are on the go or eaten while sitting at my desk checking my emails. I need something that travels well and that is easy to eat. I’ve shared some breakfast ideas in this post but today I’m sharing a breakfast sandwich that you can prep ahead and make a week's worth of.

This paleo sandwich I found on Paleomg blog. First of all, if you don’t follow Juli you definitely should. Even if you don’t typically read blogs, follow her on instagram. She posts about delicious food and her instagram stories are so real and uncensored. I laugh out loud everytime I watch her stories and I am inspired by her healthy lifestyle! Go check her out!

Back to the sandwich. I found Juli’s recipe here and I pretty much followed the recipe as it was. This sandwich is two pancakes with scrambled eggs and sausage in between it. Did I mention it is topped with a pat of butter and drizzled with maple syrup? I was so excited about these little sandwiches that I could hardly wait until morning to try them. Since Juli’s recipes are paleo, I didn’t find a need to change the recipe much. The only thing I didn’t do was make homemade sausage because I didn’t have all the ingredients and honestly it seemed like a pain. Is it ok that I said that? LOL. I decided to buy frozen patties with the least amount of ingredients. Here are some tips for making these delicious breakfast sandwiches.

The pancake batter should be thick. Don’t add too much coconut milk to the batter even though it looks thick. The batter will be a little thick because of the coconut flour. It is very absorbent but if you put too much milk it will leave your pancakes much too thin and runny. Be sure to keep a close eye when cooking the pancakes because they won’t bubble as much as a regular pancake would. I turn mine at about the 3-4 minute mark and they were perfectly golden.

Use one egg per sandwich. Although the original recipe yields 6 sandwiches, mine only yielded 4. Now, I may have made my pancakes a little bigger than the 3 inch diameter that was instructed (oops!) but not to worry! Depending on the number of pancakes you make, base that on the number of eggs you’ll make next. My batter made 8 pancakes, so I knew I would have four sandwiches. I ended up making 6 eggs and it was a little bit much for the tiny sandwiches.

Wrap in tinfoil. I topped my sandwich with butter and syrup and then wrapped it up in tinfoil. It has been so easy to quickly unwrap it, pop it in the microwave for 1 minute, and then enjoy it! Make sure that the tinfoil wraps all the way around the sandwich so you don’t have any syrup leakage in the fridge!

Do not make on an empty stomach. If I hadn’t just eaten dinner prior to making these, I would’ve eaten one or two. These smell amazing when cooking them and they look even better when they are put together and topped with butter and syrup. If you want them to last until breakfast, eat before you prep!

This may seem tedious for a breakfast but it is so much easier to grab and go in the morning. These sandwiches maybe took 20 minutes to put together and now it takes me two minutes to get my breakfast ready during the week. I hope you enjoy these scrumptious breakfast sandwiches. I know I have been loving them for breakfast!
Recipe can be found here. Happy eating!

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