Thursday, August 10, 2017

Whole30 Update

Today marks day 11 on the Whole30 and this week my cravings for sugar are almost none. I find myself craving melon and healthier foods rather than chocolate and cheese - my two loves! Yesterday I even forgot to eat lunch because I was so busy and didn’t even think about it. This is saying a lot for me because I am usually snacking or thinking about food.

A few things I’ve noticed almost two weeks in:

I’ve lost 8 pounds - woo! Although I am not eating this way to lose weight, it definitely is a plus. This makes me want to keep going and it shows me that I was putting so much processed and unhealthy food into my body before.

I have more energy. There was about a two week stretch a few weeks ago where I literally thought something was wrong with me. I was so sluggish, even after a good night’s sleep and super quick to anger. I hated the way I felt and I knew it had to do with the way I was eating. I shared with you that last week I felt my energy was lacking but this week it is so much better. I’ve been getting so much more done around the house and feel a lot happier.

My stomach feels happy. I know that’s a weird statement but it is so accurate. Often times after I ate my stomach would feel gassy, bloated, and so full it could bust. Not anymore! By eating clean and making conscious choices not to overeat, my stomach literally feels like it is saying thank you. Instead of feeling stuffed after I eat I feel content. No more gas, bloating or feeling like a stuffed sausage after a heavy dinner. The feeling is absolutely fabulous!

I don’t miss the bad food. Of course sometimes I crave it, but I do not miss the feeling after eating a heavy meal. That food high only lasts for so long and then reality sets in that I just engorged myself with way too many calories in one sitting.

I still eat dark chocolate. Shhh don't tell on me! If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that life is short and if I want chocolate I am going to eat it, and I am going to pick the best kind to eat. Dark chocolate has so many health benefits and for that reason I will eat that in moderation. I’m not saying I am sitting down and chowing down on an entire bar. I might have a small handful of dark chocolate chips or bake with dark chocolate. I have been doing lots of baking with coconut flour - but that’s for another post :)

Don’t get me wrong this is not an easy thing to do and it is not all sunshines and roses. I don’t want you to read this and get the wrong idea. Yesterday my husband and I were out late and I was starving, like so hungry I was hangry! There’s nothing I wanted more in that moment than to stop at McDonalds and stuff my face with a Big Mac and salty french fries. Luckily my husband talked me off the ledge and we came home and had a delicious and healthy meal. This diet lifestyle change is so much more than just cutting bad foods out of your everyday diet. It makes you take on a whole new mindset and challenges you to be the best version of you.

I hope I have inspired you to try and make some healthy lifestyle changes. All you have to do is start. And if you think you’re alone, you’re not! I am right here and would be so happy to help you through this journey. Stay healthy, happy, and beautiful! xoxo

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